Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sweets Sweets and More Sweets

Today was great! Aside from being able to actually get dressed in real clothes, I had a great time out this afternoon with my Best friend, Brittany! We started off at Mary Macs where I ran into my pastor, Olu Brown. We laughed and talked there and headed out to Highland bakery. Anyone that knows me and Brittany, we cant go anywhere without getting turned around in some way shape or form. That trip should have only taken about 5 minutes it took us maybe 10 lol. Even with my phone I kept missing turns. ANYWAY, we got there and looked, looked, and looked some more before settling on what we wanted there. After making our purchases, we headed out with treats in had off to Chocolate Pink. This trip should have only taken us about 10 minutes even going here I missed a turn lol. BUT we got there and we were both taken away with the cuteness of this place! We browsed and browsed and made some selections and took a seat. We dissected every bit of our dessert but enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm going to see if I cant get her down there for cupcake happy hour LOL...she might protest!

So I now have three places marked off my list. Next up we have Alon's bakery and Metrotainment. I need to get to these places before Tuesday of next week. Bakery hunting is definitely fun but got me excited about having my place! OOOOOOOO I cannot wait!!

I have yet to eat all the sweets that I bought today but I plan to indulge later this evening. What I have had thus far I am impressed!!! ll
Anywho...time for class! Until next time...SMOOCHES!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How did I do over the weekend??

Sooo, this Saturday my best friend, Brittany, and my friend from culinary school, Nicole, went to Noche on Saturday night to just hang out. Britt and I got there and were instantly reminded of the bars in Athens, Ga! It definitely took us back :-) Anyway, Brittany went on and on about how she was about to get drinks and I thought I was gone have steam coming from my ears because I couldnt drink. Brittany reminded me that I could have a drink on Sunday(midnight) but I had been back and forth about whether or not I was going to actually drink on Sundays. Well the clock struck 12 and...... yea, i broke down and had a drink. Sadly, it was not even that great :-/ I took this as a sign that I didnt need to drink at all. Well, Sunday after church we went to my aunts house for her house blessing and i had some wine then too. smh @ myself! This Sunday though I am definitely NOT planning to have drink so PRAY FOR ME cause I definitely feel like I gave into temptation. On the up side, I enjoyed my family on Sunday. It felt like forever since we were together enjoying each others company so I needed it. LOVE THEM!!

In culinary news, we are doing cakes and its wearing me out! We have not been getting breaks and every night I have been leaving with an attitude cause either I am hungry, my feet hurt or my back hurts. UGH! I know it will all pay off in the end. That is what gets me through. Today, I started my bakery hunt for potential externships. There is one place that I think I would LOVE to go but I am trying to have an open mind and check out some places. Today I went to Blanchard Bakery in Hapeville, Ga. UHHHHH...not the place for me. It was a very small place owned by a family but there was nothing in the bakery to choose from :-/ Needless to say, all i got was cookies and the one I ate was okay but I was definitely hoping to get some pastries (lol) so not the case. I had been thinking that I would like to have someone accompany me to help me choose and i thought of my bff because she will indulge in a sweet treat with me anytime!!! Tomorrow, we have a lunch date at Mary Macs (YES!!) and are gonna visit Chocolate pink( I am very excited about this trip because I have heard so much about it and the colors of this place are the EXACT colors I have chosen for my own place...and no i am NOT changing my colors lol). I think I might drag her to Highland Bakery and maybe Alons although I am not as excited about Alons. I need to be making a decision about my externship VERY VERY SOON! ::anxiety starting to set in lol::

Anywho, be blessed! And until next time....SMOOCHES!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

When I think about the goodness of God...

As I have been sitting at home today, I could not help but think about how God has truly blessed me. I like to just sit and think about it and sometimes I just cry cause I know that I am not worthy of the things God has done for me. Today was one of those days. I just kept saying to myself Lord, You are so good to me and I immediately had a song on my heart and had to hear it. It is a song entitled, "Lord, You are so good to Me" written by a musician at my home church, Andrews Chapel United Methodist Church and recorded by what was then the Young Adult Choir (Choir No. 2) that both of my parents were apart of. About two years ago the choir that I sing in there, the Voices of Faith, sang it at our concert so I popped in that DVD to hear this song. As I listened to the words ("You are my protection and You give my direction. You are peace to my soul and the half about You has never been told. Whenever I need a friend on YOU I can depend. Lord Lord, YOU ARE SO GOOD TO ME!!!") I became overwhelmed because He has been just that to me. I had a point in my life when I felt all alone but i knew God was there!!!!! Just as I know He is there now! God is just so awesome and I dont ever feel like I can say it enough and WHEN I THINK ABOUT HOW GOOD HE IS...oh my, I just get a feeling on the inside of me that i cannot describe.

I was sitting here thinking about His goodness and thought why not share! I am sure God has blessed you all beyond measure as well!

That is all I needed to say at this moment! Whew! What an awesome God we all serve!

Until next time....SMOOCHES!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hope you enjoy the ride..


Last night I got the great idea to blog about my journey through this Lenten season and this morning I decided it would cool if I blogged about my remaining time in culinary school then just my life in general. I certainly hope that you all sit back and enjoy this ride that i call my life.

As many people know today is Ash Wednesday and starts the season we call Lent. Each year I give up something that I am very attached to and I seek much needed clarity from God. Last year, I gave up something that I did not think that I could live without, MEAT! But to my surprise I was able to go without it for 40 days and I felt like a new person. I felt healthier and like a new person. So this year I decided to give up all alcohol. Do not be alarmed, I do not NEED alcohol in my life but i do like wine and usually have a glass after class. When things are going badly most of us say that we need a drink of some sort to help calm us down but for the next 40 days I will not resort to alcohol to calm me down. I am extremely excited about this Lenten season and what I will gain from it. Today's devotion in the UPPER ROOM says that Lent is the season to "Repent and believe in the good news" (Mark 1:15) and I plan to do just that. Keep me in your prayers.

While many Christians will be at an Ash Wednesday service, I will be in class! No complaints though I love what I am doing and I know that all of these long nights will soon pay off. This past Monday we started a new class. I am now in my cake class and anxious to see what new things I will learn within the next three weeks. My time in culinary school is going by so quickly and I cannot believe it. I will be out in the industry before I know it. Oh dear God, that means I have to get a real job. WOW!! I guess this is what growing up is all about. No complaints though...God is showing out and I love it!

Until next time....SMOOCHES!