Hey Hey Hey!! I so meant to blog about my weekend before now but Monday I didnt do a thing and I didnt do a thing on Tuesday either.
But anyway, I did SO MUCH BETTER than last weekend in reference to having a alcoholic beverage. I went out to a party on Saturday with the Bestie (who by the way is NOT following my blog...problem? I THINK SO!!). Anyway, SHE was waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that she could torment me with alcohol. I kept telling her no but she was very persistent. So Our other friend, Jasmine, kept saying DONT DO IT cause she wasnt going to be drinking either. So in an attempt to shut Brittany up Jasmine bought us each drink and I can say with a clear heart I did NOT enjoy it like I normally would. AND, that was all I had or thought about having for the entire weekend. So While I did not go without I definitely cut back which is a BIG STEP for me! I am so proud of myself! Yall just dont know!
This weekend will present itself to be a challenge as well because Jasmine's birthday is on Saturday and she has already stated that I will need to partake in some beverages! I must say NO! The devil is busy working through those closest to me lol!
Anywho! In Culinary news this week we have a project to do where we are getting to create our own cake flavor with a few requirements.And let me say, I was excited but I am losing that excitement because i still have a million thoughts running in my head. I must begin work on this thing tomorrow :-/ I also got a cake order from one of my dad's co-workers. This lady ordered a cake for her 13 year old daughter who LOVES ACE OF CAKES(in my head...My name is NOT Duff!!). She wants this cake and I am nervous because I have not worked with fondant EVER and have no desire to want to work with it. But I am going to do it and I called on the help of my lovelyLS, BWhite to sketch (You will find it below) something for me since I have to have a visual before I can begin. Im still nervous about this cake as well and will need to begin working on this cake SOON! Cant wait to see if my final product comes out anything like this sketch.
Family news!Same ole thang! The fam was at the house this past Sunday and we enjoyed each other as usual! Laughing and talking and playing with my babies(my nieces)!
So thats all i have for now! Check out the sketch and my babies!
Until next time....